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丹麦李庆峰教授“再生能源与氢能在北欧的研究现状与进展 ”学术报告
添加时间:2016-11-13 01:41:56  



报告人:丹麦技术大学  李庆峰  教授 








The talk will start with a brief review of renewable energy scenarios and status in Nordic countries, followed by a general introduction of the hydrogen chain including water electrolysers, storage and fuel cells in association with the renewable energies. The second part of the talk is devoted to update the material research primarily based on the work at Technical University of Denmark. Through national and EU programs Danish researchers from industries and R&D institutions are involved in all linkages of the technological chain from fundamental materials, component fabrication, to stack construction and system integration. Particular focus of the talk will be on new insight and recent progress of high temperature proton conducting polymer membranes and non-precious metal catalysts for fuel cell applications. 




Dr. Techn. Qingfeng Li is a full professor at Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark. His research areas include proton conducting electrolytes, electrocatalysts and the related technologies particularly fuel cells and electrolysers. He received his Ph.D. in electrochemistry from Northeastern University, China, in 1990 and was awarded Doctor Degree of Technices (dr. techn.) in 2006 at Technical University of Denmark. He has participated/coordinated 7 EU and more than 20 Nordic research projects within the field and is currently the leader of an international fuel cell research centre funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark. He has published > 140 peer-reviewed papers with a total citation of > 6000 times and an H-index > 34. He has been involved in teaching at all DTU levels including a lecturing and an experimental course on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells.